Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Passion Orange Guava Juice: Your Healthy Breakfast!

POG juice as the name suggests has the juice of Passion fruit, Orange fruit, and Guava fruit. To the matter of fact, it is the blend of these three delicious fruits. It was first mixed in the year 1971 by Mary Soon in Hawaii.

At the present, Passion Orange Guava Juice is extremely popular in Hawaii and there are a lot of restaurants and bars in Hawaii that serve fresh POG juice blended in the right proportion. Well, there is no standard way of blending these 3 juices, but it is advised to mix less orange juice in the drink and keep the quantities of passion juice and pineapple juice in the equal proportion.

The popularity of this juice has compelled packaged juice manufacturing companies to manufacture Passion Orange Guava Juice. Hence, you can find easily packaged Passion Orange Guava Juice over the web which is ready to drink from concentrate and consists of no high fructose corn syrup. Further, it comes in aseptic which means no added preservatives. All the 3 juices blended in the right proportion in it. Typically, it contains guava puree, orange and passion fruit juice concentrates, ascorbic acid, natural flavors, citric acid, and more. It is a great daily dose of Vitamin C and other important nutrients which can be your daily healthy breakfast.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Knowing of Passion Orange Guava Juice

Passion Orange Guava Juice or otherwise called as POG juice is a tasty treat which also provides tons of health benefits. Let’s find out more about this juice.

Passion Orange Guava Juice or more commonly known as POG drink is a blend of passion fruit juice, Orange juice, and guava juice. The credit of invention of this amazing drink goes to Mary Soon of Hawaii. It has been said that she created the drink in 1971. It’s a tropical style drink, which tastes amazing. Now this fruit juice is gaining popularity and have become a first choice for many.

As mentioned earlier Passion Orange Guava Juice is a mixture of juices of passion fruit, orange, and guava. Without a doubt, you heard of orange and guava, nonetheless you may not heard of passion fruit. Well, I would like to tell you that when you go to see all the corners of this world, you would discover that people of four countries, namely Brazil, Florida, Indonesia, and Kenya is consuming the same fruit which is no doubt the passion fruit. Well, you may need to understand that passion fruit is not among those fruits which you can purchase from your nearest supermarket. Most probably you have to go online to purchase the fruit. Typically, there are 2 kinds of passion fruit for you to pick from. The Golden or yellowish kind one which is slightly bigger than a grape. And the purple one which is slightly smaller as compared to a lemon.

Talking about the packaged POG juice, which comes in aseptic packaging and needs no refrigeration until opening which not only tastes yummy, but also provides a great deal of health benefits too. It is a rich source of sodium, which assists to maintain the adequate fluid level within the body and helps in muscle contraction. Also, sodium helps to improve heart performance, enhance nervous system, and even helps for glucose absorption. Sodium is also widely known as the anti-aging element which fights against free radicals.

Furthermore, Passion Orange Guava Juice is a great source of Vitamin C. It is good to know that a required dose of this vitamin guards our body from several types of infections such as cold, cough and sore throat and keeps healthy bones as well as teeth. Vitamin C further enhances the ability of our body to heal wounds and makes us immune from various kinds of illnesses and diseases.

Now, you will find a lot of vendors of Passion Orange Guava Juice over the World Wide Web, which even provides free shipping options for their customers.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Passion Orange Guava Juice For A Healthy Body

Passion Orange Guava JuiceWell, everybody wants to have a healthy body and wants to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Without any doubt, juices can help you to do it. They are low in calorie and a source of loads of vital Vitamins and Minerals. There are various types of fruit juices available in the market which can be ordered online. So this way you can enjoy the deliciousness and health benefits of fruit juices without going out and visiting the local store. In this article we will talk about the amazing fruit juice, which is none other than Passion Orange Guava Juice also known as simply Passion Orange Guava Juice. As the name suggests, the fruit juice is the combination of three amazing fruits, which are Passion, Orange, and Guava.

The taste of this juice is simply delicious and a treat for the taste buds. Since it is a healthy source of Vitamin C, it helps to prevent diarrhea, dehydration, etc. Also, if you are amongst the one who finds difficulty in emptying bowels, then you feel great to hear that this fruit juice can help you regulate your bowel movements. To put it simple, it is a fine remedy for constipation.

Further, it will strengthen your immune system to fight various diseases. It helps to improve brain function and helps to maintain adequate cholesterol level in your body.

It is also good to know that now packaged Passion Orange Guava Juice are available which can be consumed anytime and anywhere!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Passion Orange Guava Juice

Passion Orange Guava JuicePassion Orange Guava Juice or popularly known POG Juice is a blend of three fruits which are obviously passion, orange, and guava. Not to mention orange and guava are common fruits, but maybe you have never heard about passion fruit. Well, this fruit is originally invented in Southern Brazil, and afterwards it was taken to Argentina from Paraguay. This fruit has so many varieties and the origins of the Yellow variety is not known, a lot claim that it was originated in the remote parts of the Amazon. The purple one was originated in the Queensland.

Well, coming to the point Passion Orange Guava Juice has taste of tropical. It contains high amount of Vitamin C, so it can be a good source to prevent dehydration in summers. Further, as it contains guava and orange, it provides endless health benefits such as it can be used in the treatment of diarrhea, height blood pressure, and more. It can make your skin glow and also a fine remedy for constipation. Also, since it contains passion fruit, it is rich in fiber, which assists to remove cholesterol from the body, and helps to remove various kinds of toxins from inside the body. Also, it contains Vitamin A which is great for eyesight and has many anti-oxidants properties.

Now, with the power of the internet, you can easily order this great juice from the comfort of your home and it will get delivered to you swiftly and conveniently.